I would like to extend my thanks to everyone who made my Give-A-Gift-Twice campaign for the UPS Toys For Tots Literacy Program a big success.

According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, over 14 million children live at or below the poverty level in the United States. There are many barriers to children under these conditions. One of them is simply to have access to age appropriate books within their homes. Children in low income neighborhoods only have access to 1 book per 300 children. Providing books to these families offer the children a way to close the gap, escape into a great book, and help improve their academic success. Let us continue to work together to break this cycle of poverty.

Thanks to generous contributors like yourself, The UPS store, and its network of over 4,800 locations, has generated more than 5.1 million dollars to the Toys For Tots Literacy Program, helping to deliver nearly 41 million books to these children across the country.
And also a big thanks to Les Schwab Tire Centers and all of their locations throughout the northwest for donating space where toys can be conveniently dropped off for the Toys For Tots program.
I am happy to play just a small part through my novel Hoaxes Roswell in bringing the fun and adventure of reading to many underprivileged kids that may not receive a book to read otherwise.
There is still time to donate to the UPS Store Toys For Tots Literacy Program, so if you have a few dollars to spare, you will find the link here.
Thank you again!
DJ Schneider